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Mark Making, Meditation & Mindfulness
The artist Paul Klee said 'A line is a dot that went for a walk'.
In this two-hour workshop, we’ll be exploring how mindfulness can free up our resistance to being fully creative.
The session will comprise short meditations followed by 'taking a dot for a walk' – some may describe it as ‘doodling’ but this is doodling mindfully!
We won’t be looking to produce masterpieces, or even something to put on your wall, we will simply be teasing open the dam that might be blocking us from developing our innate talents, whether that involves for example, writing, music, painting, craftwork, gardening, problem-solving – our inherent creativity is boundless.
Discover how liberating it can be to set aside self-criticism and comparisons.
Pens, paper etc will be provided but do feel free to bring your own if you wish.
Bodenham Arboretum, Kidderminster, Wolverley DY11 5TB
Friday 24th May 2024, 10:30AM - 11:30PM
Carole Lacy trained to teach Mindfulness with the world-renowned Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at Bangor University and took further training with the Oxford Mindfulness Centre, Breathworks and the Mindfulness Association, among others.
She is a registered teacher with BAMBA (the British Association for Mindfulness-Based Approaches) and follows their Good Practice Guidelines.
Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash